Saturday, June 21, 2003

Today's Word: Loft

From One Word

A nest for artists to hide themselves in to cultivate their masterpiece or throw wine bottles at their muses, who left them an hour ago to take up residence in a penthouse suite. Better views, and it doesn't always smell like pot noodles or desperation.

Body Count

860 words.

Last night, at about 11 p.m., after we turned off the lights, my lovely wife rolls over in bed and asks me in the gentle darkness, "So, wanna crash a Harry Potter book sale at midnight?"

And I'm left with that horrible point in every marriage when your spouse has gone insane. But it's okay considering my minor freakout last night seeing some of my story ideas in Margaret Atwood's "Oryx and Crake," and how my Potter-mad wife talked me off another nearby ledge.

To do this weekend

Write another 500 words, at least
Check wife's mental status
Burn CDs for Heather and Cori

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