Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Today, eight years ago, I married the woman that I love, one who loves me more than I can fathom. I love her, and I'm so grateful that she came into my life.

I hope we will always be together. I hope I never disappoint her. I hope I can always be there for her. I hope I can still make her laugh. I hope we can continue to be there for each other when one of us needs comfort.

My wife truly is one of the best people I have ever met. No matter what kind of day I'm having, if I'm stalled out on writing, or just in one of my typical ennui fits, she understands. She knows when to prod me to action, so I don't fester on the couch. She knows when to console me, and she knows when to let me solve something on my own.

I love her, and today we celebrate eight years together. Looking back on it, I knew her for nearly five years before we were married. It's as if I never knew a life without her. And for that, I am in awe of her power and grace.

Happy anniversary, my love.