Saturday, November 19, 2022


Winter as come and we are making our Berlin home as cozy as possible. It's the darkness of Copenhagen all over again, but with more life and culture. Definitely better food and a better office. 

The worst of it is, we will again be away from family for the holidays and our family is smaller due to the loss of Seamus, poor sweet bear. It'll just be us and Liam in a quiet Berlin apartment. I think this time it's worse...we couldn't go to America for the holidays and see our families because of COVID. Now, it's just visa timing. One was an act of god. This is a bureaucratic hurdle. Man made, something you feel like you can control, and when you can't it's your fault.

So, again, a small Thanksgiving and then moving on to Christmas, with gifts ordered and delivered remotely, thousands of miles away and with the best intentions.