Monday, June 23, 2003

Bits and Pieces, Fits and Starts

Body count: 1410 words.

It's not all written in a linear order, more like a paragraph here and a line of dialogue there. Equal parts joyous and terrifying. Deep in the text, I can see passages knitting themselves together, scenes growing and shrinking, the corners of this literary Polaroid coming into sharp resolution from the putty-gray fog that once covered the landscape.

Have a character coming to life named Flamrea. I know, I'm not keen on the name either. Thinking Leonera or something less showy and more gender-blending. But hey, forward motion made.

I'm working on things from a "Rayelle" standpoint. She's the gutter rat main character that starts out screaming to rock bottom. I'm thinking I should be working on "Patrick" more, the other main character who has it all, and then has to run for his life.

Much work ahead. I'm not too keen on the piecemeal approach, but it's getting words on to the ethereal screen. Went out looking for a Superdisk this weekend to store all my notes on. A Superdisk, for you non-techies out there, was this storage innovation that, although it looks like a normal 3.5" disk, had enough space for something like 80 3.5" disks. Of course, they don't make them (or at least have them in stock) anymore, with the advent of burnable CD drives in your average new PC. Still, I'm stuck a couple notches down the computer evolutionary scale, so I'm riding with the hip-to-be-square diskettes, and not the space-age shiny-shiny compact disks.

I know, not exactly a war refugee's tale, but I need something sturdy to place my notes on. In the end, a CD-R would be the best, most durable medium, but I'm kinda tapped for cash at this moment.

Which reminds me.

I owe the charity of my choice $20. Bought the new Supreme Beings of Leisure over the weekend.

Song of the Day: "Scent of the Day," by Dragon Chai.

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