Thursday, June 26, 2003

Glass half full

I know swore off talking about current events on this blog, but you have to admit that the Supreme Court overturning the Texas sodomy law is absolutely glorious for two reasons. 1) It was an incredibly stupid law to begin with and 2) The ruling just makes all the homophobe talking heads and pundits out there just freak out, thus making them easier to spot as the pitiful, hateful, repressed dorks they really are.

I'm sure Mark Morford will have oodles to say about this tomorrow. Hit the link to the right to dose yourself on Mark's ever-kinetic and life-loving wordplay when the sun rises in your part of the globe tomorrow.

And, damn, but isn't it just a bit of crazy-karma-cool that the ruling came down mere days before many Gay Pride festivals are set to take place around the nation. Personally, I'm just your average straight breeder boi from the burbs, but there's such a sense of supernova joy about this one, an inkling that we finally may be turning a corner after three years of BushAmerica and 20+ years of religious right fearmongering and syndicated radio-based hatred and instead we're getting to accept one another without worrying about what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms.

Honestly, people...we have more important things to worry about. As for the shrieking "What shall we tell the children?" crowd, tell them's all about love, honesty and respect. Once we nail those very basic concepts, life on our tiny planet will get a lot easier.


She's coming in tomorrow. Little updating will be done. Not that much writing will happen. Go outside and get some fresh air.

Speaking of writing

Came home last night after auditioning for this volunteer program to read books and newspaper articles to the blind (another entry altogether, let me tell you) to find my loving wife scrubbing the house clean. After a quick dinner of veggieburger and fries from the local non-global chain Burgertorium, we wrestled with dust cloths and vacuuming machines until the front room, guest bath, guest bedroom and entrance way was clean. Tonight, groceries and the rest of Chez Ryan will be rendered spotless.

But last night, before I got home, I stopped off at the aforementioned burger place, and got my order taken by maybe the funkiest cashier grrl in the world. Right there, I came up with another character for the novel, a very minor character that Patrick, one of the main characters, meets when he has to go to the grocery store for some reason I haven't honestly figured out yet.

On my receipt, I began jotting notes.

"Designer mods, acceptable level for corporate environments. Like flair in 'Office Space' or tattoos on today's employees as long as not visible through work shirt or extends below short/sleeve line. Sea green hair - straight - no visible roots, Roman nose, bee stung lips, cropped eyes to resemble Asian, tattooed-in black eyeliner, caucasian-basic face with bleached out skin, elf ears (boss probably allows this due to Tolkien/Spock fan). Mods approved by corporate head office. Perhaps differences allowed in acceptable situations. Body design is part of corporate branding, an expansion of the pretty young things that sell you clothes at GAP. Bosses hand out MDMA homebrews to employees to keep them loving and friendly smile-smile to the customers."

Song of the Day: "Layoun Lokdhor," by Toires.

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