Friday, April 01, 2005

Like Going Back to Mother Superior

CBC is going to begin running episodes of the new Doctor Who Tuesday, and words fail how excited I am that the show has made it over from England and will be aired where I can get view it from Seattle.

Doctor Who was a massive part of my childhood. I can still remember when my babysitter switched it on one night. It was "Hand of Fear." A Tom Baker episode, where the severed hand of an ancient alien was revived by radiation and began to possess people to do its bidding. It was stuffed with bad acting, cheesy costumes, terrible special effects, but damn I ate it up. I collected the novelizations, begged to stay up late Sunday nights to watch the episodes on Channel 11 Chicago, had episodes on tape, went to conventions, wrote fan fiction (shut up, I was 11). I was obsessed. I was an Whovian addict.

I know very little about this new version, but I'm hoping that it'll be in the same vein as the new version of Battlestar Galactica: sleeker, meaner, smarter than its older version, yet possessing a respectful nod to the source material. Akin to how Pierce Bronsan was 90s reflection of Sean Connery in the Bond series, future and the past in one.

And what good timing. The season finale of BSG is tonight. I'll have the new episodes of Who to look forward to after a long night of writing class.


Anonymous said...

Okay, envious. Not only are you able to see some televisual Who, but the CBC DW site kicks the butt of the over-Flashed BBC one.

John said...

It does look easy on the eyes, don't it? Really want a jacket like his, although I can't pull it off.

I'm afraid you'll have to resort to either a) waiting for a DVD or b) BitTorrenting the episodes.

Or move to Seattle. it's not raining that much today.