Monday, February 07, 2005

Today's Word: Clip

The fragment of old celluloid film was on the floor, black and curling in self defense. A fragment of her vision left vacant and to die of loneliness from the final cut. He picked it up, studied the frames, and he saw he was in it.

I'm never going to finish the damn chapter on time. I'm in that queasy space of impending failure. I have an optional assignment that I'm going to miss because I'm so drawn in on making the first chapter sing. I thought I was close, but I'm caught in heavy fog. The coastline is not in sight. We are running low on food. Landmarks are hazy and malleable in the night. The stars have forsaken us.

In more serious news, I want to extend heartfelt condolences to Mrs. P (link on the right). She lost her sister. Being an only child, I can't imagine losing a sibling. I can only envision it as a parallel death of yourself. Someone of your own blood, cut with some of the similar physical features, dies and makes you understand your own death is inevitable. But in the practical sense, I have no idea of what it's like to have someone that close gone. You're trained to understand parents and grandparents vanishing into that great beyond before you, but a brother or sister (like a spouse) is next to you, running along side on that linear of time's arrow. Having a vacancy next to you...I wish I had more to say than I'm sorry.


poppycock said...

hi john,

did you try looking at the backside for the coastline? you might be sailing in the wrong direction. throw away the compass and follow the wind. you may just strike land that way ;)

and thank you so much for your consolation. i haven't missed her the way i do now since the first few weeks of her passing. when i recently noticed how her kids have grown from the time she died, it just broke my heart. the youngest has probably forgotten her and just cling to the notion of 'mom' which he associates with her portrait. her eldest was visibly dumbstruck when he saw me with his mom's do. the sensitive one with the bleeding heart is just looking too happy and vulnerable. i love these kids so much ...


John said...

It is very obvious you care for them. I'm sorry. I'm at a loss. It must be so hard for them, as well as you.

poppycock said...

hi john,

it was quite hurtful, yes, but i was just relieved to have all that suffering end for her. nowadays a prayer item for me is to not have cancer, after seeing her go through all of that. and i am just very glad to have stopped smoking.

John said...

Ah. Smoking? Were you crazy, risking your life like that? Putting terrible things in your body (he scold, while eating various vending machine items at his desk) ;)