Friday, February 04, 2005

Snickerdoodles of Mass Destruction

Now, I understand their hearts were in the right place, but, really, unless you're in the vampire chapter of the Girl Scouts, it's probably best to hand out cookies in the daytime. Getting a knock on the door at 10:30 p.m. is rarely a positive harbinger. I don't think it's lawsuit-worthy; it's just the polite thing to do. Just sayin'.

Writing update

Contest submission about 90% done. Still in drydock since there are considerable holes in the hull.

Today's Word: Improved

From One Word

Bright shiny world with everything made better, and done without any input by the masses. One man's invention for making life better. Happiness for everyone: The catch? You must cut off your right hand.

1 comment:

poppycock said...

aww, those poor girls. that's why sometimes it doesn't pay to do things differently. just sit on your fat ass, do like the neighbors, settle for status quo and blablablah, then, surprise, you're mighty mediocre!

regarding the one word, i know that at some point, i will have to give up figuring how your mind works. surprises work anyway.

cheers :)