Wednesday, March 01, 2006


For current and former Catholics (I'm so much in the latter I own real estate), today is the first day of Lent, that time of sacrifice for 40 days and nights, simulating what Jesus went through in the desert. These days, it's less about ash on the forehead and Friday fish and more about the coming of spring. More t-shirts, more sunlight, more green. A time to do some seasonal purging...clothes, winter flab, junk that's found its way into the house. Looking forward to turning the heat down and having my home office not be so bitterly cold when the sun goes down.

Spring, also the time where I remember that I have allergies that pass in a few days, but makes me miserable in the duration. It's a sign that the seasons are changing when I'm sneezing all the time, my nose is raw, and my face feels as if its hanging off my eyesockets. Let my trail of tissues lead you out of winter. Huzzah.

And I don't mean to taunt, but guess who got tickets to an advance screening of "V for Vendetta"?


poppycock said...

Pity that you got your nose plugged and all and missing out on the beautiful smell of spring. The first time I came to the US long time ago, it was in San Francisco around the end of Feb, when winter was coming into spring. It had a crisp, tart, and distinct smell that totally appealed to my olfactory glands, so gorgeous that it got me hooked on spring and San Francisco forever. But I still love autumn best :)

John said...

The best, for me, is that late summer, when the crispness of autumn is encroaching and you can smell that pungent odor of dying leaves. The sunlight is defused from its summer brightness, but Daylight Savings Time has yet to kick in, so that amber hue stretches a little longer on the streets and sidewalks before the blue-purple curtain of twilight ushers in a nighttime that has a breeze just warm enough where you can have the windows open, and you can listen to the leaves fall.

According to Mark Morform, San Francisco is currently going through a balmy spring.