Monday, February 27, 2006

Three and out

A few little odds and ends after a long day thinking about Octavia Butler.

I was going to write up a few words about her, but I don't feel like I'm well-versed enough to sum up a titaness' life. I'd be too clumsy, too reaching. While I was staring off into space, trying to grasp the hole in the world she's leaving science fiction, I realized that the best epitath would be...herself. Her works will be the best way to celebrate her and remember her, and when you get to her most recent (and last) novel, "Fledgling," pause and in that stillness mourn a life that ended too soon.

Imagining Douglas Adams meeting her at the Great Beyond, giving her a tour of the place as he shows off this great celestial writing nook where he's been churning out pages. And in the days and years to come, they'll be great writing partners.

Back here in the mortal realm, a trio of things I wanted to hit before I forget.

1) My wife, who was on a tour of the "Veronica Mars" set as part of a blogger event, flies home tonight from her day of rockstar-ism.

2) James Wolcott, that literary scoundrel, got to see "V for Vendetta" early. Lucky bastard.

3) Fantasy author (and all-around good egg, according to my reliable wife) Tamora Pierce, who as been a staple of young female fantasy readers, has signed a deal with Marvel comics to helm a new superhero project titled "White Tiger." Keeping on eye on this one, seeing if Pierce can attract young female readers to this far-too-male genre.

Post-post P.S.

MM, what's going on in Manila?

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