Monday, February 27, 2006


Octavia Butler is dead at 58.

I can't seem to find the words right now.


poppycock said...

john, sorry for the loss. i'm sure her words live on and will continue to inspire your writing now and in the future. does she? :)

John said...

Oh, there's no doubt that she will. She was such a groundbreaker in science fiction (African American female in a white male genre) that it's hard to grasp just what she did, as well as what she left behind. The only other sci-fi writers in her caliber and her sex is Atwood and LeGuin (and Butler was the youngest of the three).

A point of trivia, she lived a few miles from my house.

Another point of trivia: Tamora Pierce announced that she is going to be creating a superhero for one of the major comic lines. I would have loved to have seen what Butler could have done in the genre. Like Adams, Butler's death comes as she was getting back into writing again.

John said...

Argh. I almost forgot. What's the story in Manila?