Monday, May 16, 2005

Today's Word: Zeal

It's one of those things, done a thousand times before you realized it. The lizards in bad suits and oily arrogance played you once again, and you find yourself suckered by their sheer love of making you a fool for believing in the truth and the better angels (who can't seem to find work these days).


Sorry I haven't updated, but I've been busy, falling in and out of love with the novel, as well as having the full-time job of being me. Sometimes you have this faux-organic avatar of yourself that needs tending and updating. Imagine telling your skin to grow, your blood to cleanse itself, or your heart to beat: That's sometimes what it's like for me to run this blog. I don't mind it; it's just time consuming thinking about what to write about.

I've been struggling with that resistance to get all poli-bloggy up in here. I read a few of them throughout my day, something I admit isn't mentally healthy, but boy howdy does it spur some ready-mades for the novel. Still, I spend some time at a poli-blog, and soon my vision is filled with "You must write half-hearted, rage-filled screeds about the GOP. Do it!"

Just be happy I don't spend the day around amateur erotica sites. I can imagine the toxic afterprose I'd generate influenced by those venues.

That said, I do want to point you guys out to one site that is, on skin level, about politics, but is about so much more. It's about massive deception in black and white, officials who manipulated the public trust and facts to brew up a war that has killed tens of thousands, maimed thousands more, and created ripples we here in the States may never be able to recover from. It's about the terrible consequences of men with little minds, and it's a age-old sad song about invented war for power and influence. This time, the world can know the truth at once, that the war in Iraq was, more or less, manufactured, like a new brand of Pepsi or video game franchise.

Read the Downing Street Memo, and come to your own conclusions.

Frankly, I dread what history is going say about this era.

On edit: Turns out, Iraq doesn't really matter anymore. This year's little black dress o' misery is Iran.

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