Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Today's Word: Summer

The heavy blanket of humid air, and in the faint edges of the warm breeze he could smell the tang of the ocean. Everything felt warm, and the sensation of a thawing took him over from the inside out.

And rain

Deep into the early morning, the rains came and brushed against the bedroom window in a cadence of unpredictable but smoothing frequencies. Next to our hero, who slept in the Big Comfy Bed, was his lovely wife and a pair of dozing cats, who gave up their waking sulriness to curl in and give out purrs so content they were aural velvet. The sound of the rain, the whisper of rustling sheets, the gentle vibration of the cats, it made our hero have one of those half-awake epiphanies.

The world speaks to us in languages we try to drown out with technology and gossip, with petty bickering and partisan showboating. The world still speaks, never giving up on us humans. Stories are being told, lullabies and sonnets in the rain and the wind. All told in sneaky ways, when we have put down our technology and when we have the windows open. The luscious twins of wind and rain are lovers speaking in our ears, although we can't repeat their prose. The wind and rain forgive us, even if we slumber through every rendezvous.

1 comment:

poppycock said...

what a beautiful snapshot right there.

what's with you john, you seem so ... in love, inspired, that's great :)

you should be writing more and more these days