Friday, May 20, 2005

Today's Word: Middle

Being stuck in that seat between the aisle and the window, trapped in a pressured tube at 35,000 feet. I'm feeling the strain of moving only my forearms and feet. I wish I could get to my book.


Look, I imagine every writer has a dirty little secret that, in some shoebox deep in a closet somewhere, is some toxic-quality fan fiction they wrote when they were younger (or less experienced), using pop culture to help get their chops down. I know I committed that crime, but it's something I consider a rite of passage, a harmless experimentation of curious substances during the wild days of youth. You look back and cringe in embarrassment when you find the pages years later, counting yourself lucky that, well, at least no one else knows.

Some people, however, don't know the first rule of Fan Fic Club: It's never supposed to be seen by anyone.

You have been warned.

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