Monday, December 12, 2005

So, I guess I get off with a warning

Very odd dream last night, filled with violence and fear. I'm at some weather-beaten dock, something out of a Bogart or Cagney film. All brown and windswept, yet lined in a flowing chrome. I'm in a lower part of this elaborate two-tier structure and men are coming down the ladder. I stand there ready, using a silenced pistol on them. At least 3 or 4 fall dead and I'm terrified that I have killed people. A man I don't know comes up to me (why I don't shoot him, I don't know). I'm panicking now, knowing I'm going to go to jail for murder. The man, dressed in blue and with cold, sharp eyes, coos in my ear that it's all perfectly reasonable what I did. Around me, it's dark and the water is the color of ink and somehow I know the police are close. I don't know if the dead men are the police or if they were anonymous rivals. I try to escape, but I can't find the ladder.

I wake up and realize I should lay off the pixel violence a la Battlefront 2 for a while. Played something like 8,000 hours of it this weekend. Hrm, wonder if that could warp some synapses.

Update: Come to think of it, I went to sleep angry and anxious about this stupid thing happening at work. So, there's that.

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