Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Today's Word: Shy

The fainting type, with the in-board allergy to social scenes. The last place he felt safe was in the honey-hued sunlight of the vacant library near the cafe.

Been very busy with the gravity of real life. Writing class last night went fine. Have three assignments to write up, and one of them is the last scene of the novel. Wrote the framework of it last night for 30 minutes, and I'll maybe keep a third of it. I'm also on a self-imposed research project that I can't get into lest I tip my hand about the meta-theme of the novel. My writing dominatrix wants us to have a skeleton of scenes for a first draft by the end of the term (four weeks and counting, y'all). I'm relieved to have some assignments again, to have the leash tugged and plod along with some faith that I'm not being led over a cliff.

The anti-Davros

I urge everyone to vote in the election tomorrow only for MPs who voted against the war in Iraq.
Prof Stephen Hawking
Cambridge University

From the Guardian's Letter section, May 4.

You know, I spend way to much time on poli-blogs getting outraged at the idiocy of the powers-that-be and their rabid sycophants. And then I read Hawking's comment. Compared to Hawking, everyone else is an foaming idiot, and yet Hawking is cool, simple, and eloquent.

Makes me wish I paid attention in math class.


Anonymous said...

they might attack. They always do.
niave little brats packin' knives


Anonymous said...

Hee, on the anti-Davros. Hawking once managed to lay the smack down on Fred Hoyle by proving that the big bang theory had more to it than Hoyle's steady-state one. I imagine he did it in a very cool and eloquent way also.

John said...


Oh yeah, I think that was one where they bet each other a year's subscription to the "gentleman's mag" of the winner's choice.

Or was that the unified field bit?