Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Leaving on a Jetplane


Leaving blogspace for a week to go be with family in Chicago for a wedding I imagine will be about the size of Corlene affair at the start of "The Godfather." Taking a good suit, my laptop, the darling wife, and some chill-out clothes out east for a few days. Likely no new entries. Amuse yourselves in whatever way you see fit.

Class last night went smashingly well. The writing mistress was kind, and I'm strongly leaning toward taking the week off when the Pacific Northwest Writers Association sets up their Conference circus tent in Emerald City come July. I need all the experience I can get, and being a volunteer I can get unfettered access to agents and editors galore. *strums fingers together* Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Got great feedback on my sample query letter and my Write-Out-Your-Ass 30-minute exercise. Will type it up on the plane. I need to e-mail it to writing mistress since I'm missing next week's class. No idea how I'm going to do it. I don't have a wifi modem and I can't zap it to a floppy disk to slip in step-dad's computer. Hmm. I might have to type it, and then re-type it on his machine to mail it. Sucks. I could get an old land line into the modem jack and dial in through a 1-800 number, or a local Chicago line.

Still, not exactly life threatening. Will figure it out in a land without the usual distractions of Seattle traffic, all my books, the Gamecube, DVR, and Xbox.

And I have the new Doctor Who downloaded on the laptop, plus the new special edition of the 12 Monkeys DVD. Ha! The fools here at my job offered me a freelance review gig for it.

All this and all the little bags of peanuts I can stand.


poppycock said...

hmmmm... the planets and the stars seem to be in convergence to give way to your every whim and caprice, wouldn't you say? why, even the people at work seem to be in cahoots with you. why, what have you done to deserve all this, huh? have you been a good boy?

see you later, i'm sure.


John said...

Maybe I have. I constantly try to be a good boy. Maybe the virgin sacrifices helped this time.

How are you? Good to read your words again!

poppycock said...

well, whatever them virgin sacrifices may be, they're surely payin off. i hope they're worth it. ha ha ha.

hey, maybe you wanna show me one of your wtite-our-your-ass exercises and see how that makes you kick ass with the writing mistress.

take care.

John said...

Hmm. Lemme think about it. I'd share my recent one, but I'm not all that happy with it. A little too bare around the framework. I need to get the rituals and language down right. A lot of stuff felt forced.