Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Today's Word: Welt

Months after the final argument, the apartment was bare except for her. In the middle of the buff hardwood floor, she felt every violent moment of their last falling out over again, beating on her inside and out, until all she felt were tears and bruises.

A Smaller Finish Line

Last night, I finished a new short story I had been working on for just a few days. This is unheard of for me, crafting a story from start to finish, barely 2,000 words in total. Done with the minimal of strain or stress, and I feel a little proud of the quality of it. It has nothing to do with the tar pits that are the novels, except the theme of the end of one world and the beginning of another, but you know what they say: Every day the world ends, every morning the world begins.

Voices Inside My Head

I humbly request you seek out and wrap your ears around the new Bjork ("Medulla") and an old Halou ("We Only Love You"). I got the former form the library, and got the latter through a long, hard march via iTunes and a slow modem.

But still, you...yes, you...go get them. And go get "A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular" by Hooverphonic. Put the music on, turn down the lights, don your headphones.

Trust me, you'll like them. And would I lead you astray?

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