Monday, June 19, 2006


To my darling wife, happy seven years of marriage together, through good times and bad. You are the one whom I love and wish to be with, above all others and without question. I'm lucky I married you, and an happy you are still with me (even though I'm currently curled up on the couch under the pitiless cloud of a cold). I loved our time in Victoria over the weekend, and I hope we can return for more explorations. And no, I don't mind all the times you have me stand in front of something for a picture (John in front of a totem pole, John with a cup of tea, John with a sandwich).

Now, I can hear you chopping onions and playfully scolding our kitten for being too curious about the dinner you are lovingly preparing. They are sounds of tranquility and domesticity. It makes me happy to be here, back in our little home, hearing you moving around, knowing you are there. It is the best anniversary present I could ask for. I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi john, it's been a month, almost, i hope things are well with you and yours.

cheers :)
