Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Powering Back On

A long weekend for me, with the MLK holiday and all. Did some re-writing, some new writing, a lot of staring at the screen in angst. I have contacted my former writing teacher, who reads drafts for pay, offering feedback for $1 a page. Sounds great, until you look over your lumbering beastie of a novel that weighs in at 400+ pages. Halfway through NaNoWriMo, I got the feeling I drifting into "Historian" territory, or that fertile, robust land of papyrus where the latter Harry Potter books came from. Reminds me of my favorite "Simpsons" throwaway joke. The Simpsons all go to a bookstore, and the sign outside exclaims "Michener. $1.49/lb."

I know my former teacher will give me all of her attention and criticism prowess, but I'm wondering if, at a $1 a page, she'll be shortchanged. Knowing that this will be in her hands in a month casts a pall over my pages, hoping they don't make her run screaming from the room.

Can't be any worse than "DaVinci Code," right?

And hmm, late February, eh? Just about the time my therapist comes back to her full schedule.

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