Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's not easy being...

Hi. Changed the template. Got bored with the old one, and after seeing my wife's new blog, I got bored with mine. Besides, I've been meaning to alter my blog a bit lately. Maybe it'll get me to write more.

I get itchy for change, as my wife can attest. I discard clothes, games, CDs, assorted clutter with frantic energy, usually in random patches to make the cats nervous. I'm not one for having a lot of "stuff," even though I have bookcases that take up a long wall and a game closet that looks like someone stuffed all my inner child desires in a cubby and pulled the door closed before it all spilled out.

Still, I'm fond of the green. Winter's coming to Planet Seattle, and no matter the time of year, Seattle is still green. It's a nurturing crutch when the sky is colored steel for now through March, and when the sun does peek out, it's this drained pale husk of a luminous body. The green means a forest, where the primal things lie, the wild lands where artists drop their veil of civility and touch the archetypes for inspiration.

National Novel Writing Month is coming in a mere 11 days. I'm taking part in spirit, using the 50,000 words/30 days marathon to finish the novel. I'm in a novel immersion class at Seattle's Hugo House now, getting the bearing I need for such an adventure. I'll try to post more information about the progress as I go.

One more thing, my nightstand has been occupied by a very small, but very clever tome called "Art of Fear," which attempts to reassure budding artists about the tremble they feel when they step into the primal dark forest. A lot of wisdom lacing those pages. Check it out.

1 comment:

poppycock said...

hi john,

i imagine a fresh spray of pine scent.
no, eucalyptus. or it could be a sprig of basil, or mint, or even coming out of a bottle of acqua di selva. so lush and alive. i love green, and the blog is looking great.
