Sunday, May 08, 2005

Today's Word: Granny

She's 2,000 miles away and I miss her. I wonder how good of a grandchild I really am, since I'm so far away, and she is the last link to the grandanything. She is backwards and forwards, stronger than I am. I love her no matter what.

In The Trenches

Have to turn in three scenes in 48 hours. Mostly done, but in that frantic homestretch at this moment. After a bit of rest after writing for three hours, I go back to churn out the rough scenes, carving fantasies out of words. Strange though. If I was standing on a street corner muttering my imagery, I'd get carted away. In a class, with a writing teacher, and using a laptop, I have people eager to see what my characters are up to next.

The difference: $1,500 for writing class. Some place to go on Tuesday. $1,300 Apple snow-colored workhorse laptop. A patient set of teachers, classmates who are easily amused.

T-minus 15 hours

Until I see "Revenge of the Sith." I pray to whatever Geek god/ddesses who are listening for it not to suck. Please. C'mon. Make this one of the prequels not MST3K-worthy.

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