Thursday, March 17, 2005

Today's Word: Heroine

She does twice the work as a normal hero, but only gets half the credit. She's held hostage to the kick-butt mythos of Ripley and Buffy. What she fails to know and what we fail to ask of her is to be her strongest self, to love herself without reservation.

In answer to your question

Mrs. P (link to the right) asks what's the deal with Grand Theft Auto.

Answer: It's a wildly successful series of videogames where you play a criminal who, through various missions of illegality, rises in stature and wealth. You kill, harass, destroy, steal, and plunder to win the game.

One day, someone who has played it* will be the president of the United States.

And I'm done talking about videogames for a while.

*Note: This may have already happened.


poppycock said...

That is quite presageful, John. I wouldn't mind if it's you, ha ha ha!

Seriously though, the person who designed these games must know something about the human psyche. He decided to play on the dark side of man and he played correctly. I wouldn't know if little girls would like to be, say, Mallificent or any of the Wicked Stepsisters in a Snow White or Cinderella game though.

I guess it just boils down to being trigger happy. Shoot and score. Or whatever.

John said...

Dear MM

Oh, I hope I'm never the president. I don't do well with any measure of power.

As for little girls playing GTA, I don't know a one, well considering most of the female characters in the games are hookers, victims, or thugs in their own right. Who wants that staring back at them?