Monday, March 07, 2005

Another point of view

From a writer named David Wong. Some of the article's language might not be safe for work, or wee readers.

I don't think there will be a crash like there was in the early 80s, but I agree with some of his points. Especially number 5. I don't mind my gamestation playing DVDs, but I don't want it to play DVDs/do my laundry/monitor eBay activity/make toast and play games. Imagine if one part broke. You'd have to get everything fixed.


Anonymous said...

Hey John, this is Surfdork from Atrios.

I've taken a break from posting there. I like most of the people but some resort to wingnut tactics when someone on the left post an unortodox view (I'm pro 2nd amendment and I far from being the only liberal gun rights fan).

In one of your posts you mention ditching the land line and going cell only. I think that is a great idea, the wife and I have been doing that for the past 3 years.

I think you'll like the change from have a fixed location associated with a phone number to a phone # equaling you and you only, location meaning nothing.

I'm intrigued by your Sci Fi book and am willing to read it.

BTW have you ever been to a Science Fiction con?

surfdork A T gmail dot com

poppycock said...

hey john, i'm just checking in on you, i miss you :) i hope things are fine and a-okay your side.


John said...

Hi Surfdork, hi MM

I'll get back to you both soon. I don't want you to think I'm avoiding you both.
